STEP 8 : What is VG and PG ? VG is Vegetable Glycerine and PG is Propylene Glycol.
VG is thicker than PG and produces a smoother vape experience with more vaper being produced.
PG provides the " throat hit" similar to smoking, it also makes E-liquid more flavourful.
Note : Some people experience a sore throat at first, this is sometimes because of the PG, this is quite normal but if it persists then try an E-liquid that has more VG that will give you a smoother vaping experience.
A good balance to start with would be to buy a 50 / 50 ratio E-liquid 50% is VG 50% being PG.
So an increase of a smoother E-liquid would be :
60 VG / 40 PG - smooth
70 VG / 30 PG - smoother this ratio is very popular
80 VG / 20 PG - smoothest - you would normally vape this in DTL devices
As someone new to vaping you need the throat hit, so 50VG/50 PG is a good starting point for a smoker.

MTL- Tighter draw for a beginner
DTL - More airflow advanced kit.
Step 9 : What is MTL & DTL ?
MTL simply means mouth to lung, similar tight draw as a cigarette which is usually more suitable for a beginner, this enables you to vape at the required higher doses of nicotine at lower power settings.
DTL simply means direct to lung where the airflow isn't restricted this enables bigger amounts of vaper to be exhaled and a high power levels, also lower nicotine strengths, these devices used are usually more for the advanced user having been switched for a while.
This isn't set in stone, it could be you might prefer one style to the other but it is more common for a beginner to start with a MTL style device.
All of the products listed on the Starter Kit page are all recommended for the smoker just beginning.
Step 7: How often do i have to change my coil ? Usually a week to 2 weeks but this can also depend on a few factors,
1.The power applied to the coil.
2. The flavour of the e-liquid and how sweet it is, sweet flavours wear your coils out faster.
3. How often you vape and puff duration.
4. If the flavour tastes funky ( off)
5. The coil is black.
6. The reading on the devices changes for example a 0.5 ohm coil starts reading .7 ohm.
Note: It's always best to check periodically on the status of your coil.

Step 5: How much will a beginner kit cost me? Prices can vary a lot, but you should get a full beginner kit under £35 on line & sometimes more in a shop, the beauty of a shop is you can see what you're buying which is advisable if it's your first product and unsure.
Note: If you do decide to purchase from a vape shop make sure it's reputable and it's not advisable to purchase from a garage forecourt or a market. Please check the product information page, here.
STEP 6 : Dry puff This is something that all beginners encounter at some point, it's when there's not enough e-liquid on the Atomiser coil which will then as a result taste very burnt, there's a number of reasons this might happen but usually due to user error and so this is avoidable, but never panic it can happen to the best of us.
Forget to top up
E-liquid too thick - high VG
Atomiser coil needs replacing
Didn't prime the new atomiser coil
Power set too high
Too much " chain vaping" taking consecutive puffs.

STEP 1 : Deciding on which device to purchase.
​​This will be your first important step towards switching from smoking to vaping, to make the transition easier a similar experience to smoking is usually the best method, we call this " mouth to lung" style vaping, where you get a tight draw similar to smoking, this closely mimics smoking to which you're familiar with.
Note : when purchasing from a shop ask for this type of device and if possible try a few different devices first, remember ask to try a " mouth to lung" vaping product.

A Ten Step Guide to Switching From Smoking To E-liquid Vaping Products.
An introduction into E-liquid Vaping Products
You might be thinking right now is this going to work for me ? Where do i begin ? I'm pleased to inform you that more than likely you will find a product suitable for your needs but some persistence maybe required, this is also a very exciting time to know you're not far away from starting a journey that's full of nice surprises, like getting your taste buds back! this doesn't take long to happen for some people, whether you're looking to just switch to vaping products or indeed you may want to quit everything, this is the beauty of vaping technology, there's always a product for someone as vaping can be customised to suit your requirements, which will depend on how much you smoked which will determine the level of nicotine you require, worried about nicotine? there's no need to be, nicotine used on it's own in vaping products is not the same as in smoking cigarettes, there's none of the 4000 + chemicals that makes cigarettes so addictive, no tar and no smoke, nothing in vaping is combustible, you may find after a while you won't require as high a dose of nicotine as when you first started, this is normal, the important thing is to not drop the dose you need or you may find yourself vaping more frequently to compensate, staying off cigarettes is what's most important, you can read more about nicotine on the home page and the science page.
Good luck you can do this, more importantly enjoy doing it.
STEP 2 : Deciding on which nicotine strength to start on.
​When purchasing E-liquid for your first time ALWAYS buy different strengths to give yourself the best chance of finding out what best suits your needs, don't be scared of the highest nicotine strength, as cigarettes have higher strengths anyway. this will more closely match what you were used to and in time your body will adjust and you may feel the need to decrease the strength of the nicotine.
Note: Don't reduce the nicotine level too quickly, give yourself time to adjust.

STEP 3 : The fun part - choosing flavours.
There are Thousands of flavours to choose from, ranging from ​fruit, beverage, dessert, tobacco , yogurt, cereals & even Gateaux, the best measure to take is to purchase as many different flavours you think you'd enjoy in the different nicotine strengths as possible, if for example you're a 20 a day smoker then go for 12 mg & 20 mg or 24 mg if you can get it, this gives you a good head start to succeed in switching, trial & error is sometimes needed, give yourself a chance.

STEP 4 : Struggling to keep the cravings down if you've followed the first 3 steps and still craving for a cigarette, don't panic! everyone is different, when you get a bad craving, give yourself a full hour at a time of vaping as required, this should help with the cravings.
should you need further help the vaping community is at hand.
Join our community of Vapers for further help by clicking on the image.

STEP10 : what is Vapers Tongue ? : This is when you've been vaping the same flavour every day, what we call " An all day Vape" (ADV) and what happens is you think there is something wrong with your E-liquid and you can't taste it quite the same anymore, don't worry this isn't your E-liquid, it's just because of vaping the same flavour, so try and get a few flavour E-liquids you like and alternate the flavours.
Dehydration, sometimes your mouth can seem dry after vaping, this is normal with E-liquids but easily rectified by making sure you drink plenty of water regularly, a sign of dehydration can also be a dry mouth.
510 – This number refers to the threads on an e-cigarette battery, where the Tank screws onto the E-cig or device.
510 Adaptor – This is tool which makes it possible for a different design of tank to be attached to a 510 threaded device.
All Day Vape - A flavour of E-liquid that you're able to vape all day without becoming tired of it.
AIO - All in one for example the Joyetech AOI starter kit.
Battery - The part of the E-cigarette that delivers the heat to the atomiser coil, which then turns the E-liquid into vaper.
BDC - Bottom Dual Coil.
BVC - Bottom Vertical Coil.
Clearomiser – also known as a Tank, A Clearomiser is a transparent type of a cartomiser which is the housing unit for the e-cigarette atomiser and e-liquid.
Cartomiser – also known as a Tank, A cartomiser contains the E-cigarette’s heating element (an atomiser with a coil) and a centre tube for airflow. The cartomiser tank is designed to hold the E-liquid.
Vaping terminology
Charger – A battery charger used to recharge an E-cig battery.
Clouds - referred to as what comes out as vaper, usually the more VG the more " clouds ".
Coil - is the heating element where the E-liquid is heated and turned into vaper.
Dual Coil - This is a Tank that is capable of holding 2 coils, usually for DTL at high wattage's.
DTL - Direct To Lung, this is a style of vaping that allows the experienced user to take deep inhales of vaper into the lungs and is associated with " sub ohm " tanks / clearomisers, it is also the opposite style of vaping than MTL which is for a beginner or those who like to vape higher nicotine levels at lower wattage's.
Dry Puff - this is when there's not enough E-liquid on the Atomiser coil which then tastes very burnt, and what a user will always avoid - see step 6 above.
EGO style battery – A second generation style of electronic cigarette that uses a larger, longer lasting battery than a cigalike, (first generation e-cigarette). The Ego style does not have a glowing LED tip. Most Ego Style E-cigarettes are compatible with 510 threaded cartomizers and Clearomizers, Tanks.
E-Liquid or E-juice – The solution that is vaporised within the E-cigarette cartomiser or Clearomiser.
INNCO - International Network for Nicotine Consumer Organisations.
Kanthal wire: - is the most common wired used in vaping in wattage mode, it comes in various gauges and used by many vapers for making their own coils.
Low Resistance (LR)– An atomiser with a lower Ohm rating than the standard equipment. This generally causes the heating element to get hotter faster, producing greater vaper and a strong throat hit.
MAH - Milliamp Hour - for example you may see a device that states 2600 MAH this is an indication of how long your device will stay charged for before needing recharging.
Mech Mod: (Mechanical Mod) A mechanical mod is a device which has a battery and a switch with no adjustment or protection. For a guide and safety information see this article from On Vaping. These devices are for advanced users and an understanding of ohm's law.
MTL - "Mouth to lung" a style of vaping that closely mimics the same draw as a cigarette, in which a beginner to vaping would find more beneficial.
Nic base - this is nicotine base diluted in either PG or VG is used to make your own E-liquid.
NNA - New Nicotine Alliance, are a charity and ran by a group of individuals that have contributed in the past few years into helping improve the understanding of "Tobacco Harm Reduction" to both the Public and organisations.
NI 200 - is a type of wired used for atomiser coils in Temperature Control devices, ( Mods ).
Ohms: A measure of electronic resistance. Used to measure the resistance of heating coils in atomisers
Organic Cotton: Organic cotton, especially Japanese, is favoured by many vapers for use in e-cig wicks.
Pass-through: Device that plugs directly into a computer or USB charger so that users can vape without having to worry about recharging their electronic cigarette.
Priming - when installing a new atomiser coil a few drops of E-liquid must be placed on the coil to prevent the coil from burning on the first few puffs, if you forget to prime then your coil will be ruined and not fit for purpose no matter how much E-liquid is on the coil after being burnt.
RBA: Rebuildable Atomiser - a deck for installing your own coil.
RDA: Rebuildable Atomiser - for DIY only building and installing your own coil, where thereby you can drip E-liquid directly onto the coil.
RDTA: Rebuildable Tank Atomiser - this is a tank that is made for building and installing your own coils just like an RDA only the RDTA deck sits at the bottom section of the tank where E-liquid is drawn up onto the coil, as opposed to dripping E-liquid onto your coil.
RTA: Rebuildable Tank Atomiser - A tank that has a build deck allowing you to build and install either a single coil or a dual coil.
Resistance: Refers to the resistance of the coil in the atomiser (measured in Ohms). A lower resistance produces more heat and vapour. See The Vaper’s Guide to Voltage, Watts and Ohms for more info.
Sub Ohm : Vaping with a coil with a resistance set below one ohm, generally the lower the Ohm the more heat to the coil, the more airflow required for DTL.
SS- 316L : Stainless Steel wires that can be used in Temperature control mode also wattage or power mode.
TI - Titanium wire - use in Temperature Control mode only.
TC (Temperature Control): When you set the temperature you want your atomiser to to run at rather than the voltage or wattage. See Temperature Controlled Vaping for more info.
THR : Tobacco Harm Reduction
TPD : Tobacco Products Directive - Burdensome regulation transposed into U.K law.
Vaper: A person who vapes.
Vapers In Power : A registered Political party for vapers and tobacco harm reduction.
Vapers Tongue : this happens after vaping the same flavour continuously - see step 10 above.
Variable Wattage : A mod capable of adjusting the wattage to accommodate the coil installed.
Watt: A measure for units of power. 1 Watt = 1 Joule per second
Wrap: A single revolution of a wire when building a coil.
Zero Nic : E-liquid that contains no nicotine, not captured by TPD.