Vapers Stand United were formed in January of 2016. We came together as an advocacy group for consumers on social media, where around 2000 regular people joined and having made the transition to vaping products.
We formed our group in order to make our voices heard and stand up for the rights of all smokers and current users of vaping products against disproportionate regulations that makes it harder for a smoker to make the switch to e-cigarettes, especially as the scientific evidence to date is that vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking cigarettes as published by Public Health England & Royal College of Physicians.
On March 19th 2016 we organised a peaceful protest in Parliament square in London against Article 20 of the Tobacco Products Directive ( TPD) later to be put into U.K. law as Tobacco and Related Products Regulations ( TRPR), on May 20th 2016 this was implemented into U.K. law and a year later in 2017 all producers of vaping products had to be fully compliant with the new laws. Despite the laws that are here we continue the mission as we set out in early 2016 as much of the TRPR is counterproductive to smokers looking to switch.
About Us

Our mission 2017 onwards: as there are so many vaping products on the market in all shapes and sizes it can be daunting for the smoker looking to switch to know where to begin, they may even purchase the wrong product for themselves and be put off, we made a 10 step guide in helping you to make the transition easier with some helpful information to help you along the way, there are certain products that are better overall for making the switch to vaping, you'll find this section here , these products are shown for information only, it's best to utilise Google anyway as there are varying prices.
Personal message to smokers / new vapers: as an ex-smoker myself i know how hard it can be to stop smoking, all the information provided is based on experience and knowledge that i want to pass onto you the smoker, E-liquid Vaping Products are a life saving technology that are helping millions of smokers worldwide to transition away from smoking everyday, if you decide to switch but you have any problems i'll be glad to help, you can contact via the email on the site or visit our facebook group, you can also find me on twitter and you'll also find us on Youtube.
Best of Luck on your Vaping journey

"Iv'e been smoke-free ever since, thanks to E-liquid Vaping Technology"
Brian Coe owner of Vapers Stand United website.
"Vaping saved my life September 16th 2013"